Dr. Clark's blog of the University of Central Oklahoma Department of Mass Communication History of Journalism Class

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Final paper

Media evaluation-- You will provide a one-page, double-spaced statement of what you believe to be the most important mass media development to date and why. I will grade this on the basis of grammar, punctuation, spelling and how well you logically defend your position. This will be turned in at the time of the final exam and count one third of your final grade.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Today's assignments for Tuesday

1. Assignment: The Press was instrumental in "bringing down" a President of the United States in Watergate.
Do you think the press (the "media") helped  elect a President of the United States this year? One paragraph, your opinion, but with at least some specific instances behind your reasoning. Hand in at class Tuesday.
2. One  potential test question on Watergate.
3. Watch Pam Henry documentary. One potential test question on her.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016






Assignment: The Press was instrumental in "bringing down" a President of the United States in Watergate.
Do you think the press (the "media") helped  elect a President of the United States this year? One paragraph, your opinion, but with at least some specific instances behind your reasoning. Hand in at class Tuesday.

Pam Henry documentary

Pam Henry
Watch this documentary before Tuesday

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Assignments and questions

Nov. 8 History of Journalism
Review of election section, NY Times, discussion

Substitute on mid term--paragraphs
  1. Two paragraph assignments on blog on ’Nam and civil rights movement, from previous blog reading—Due Thursday
  2. One paragraph on effect of social media on this election--your views
  3. Potential final question each on Bourke-White, Friedman from last week due Thursday
  4. Two questions from today's presentations on Cronkite and Paley due Thursday
  5. What final question from history of TV video on blog ?
    Summary--three paragraphs, and five questions 
Earlier final questions you have submitted
1.     War cartoonist
2.     London bombing
3.     FDR press conferences, 12 years
4.     Marine flag raising photog
5.     Name of soldier’s publication
6.     Largest publishing empire owner
7.     Love broadcast of what disaster
8.      News reels primary goals
9.     Dorothea Lange known for
10.  Photo magazine started in 1936
11.  Congress act I n 1934 regulating broadcast
12.  Why newsreels die out

From today:
TV news questions
1.     Cronkite questions
2.     ‘Nam and TV from blog reading
3.     Civil Rights and TV from blog reading
TV and news

Summary--three paragraphs, and five questions

Monday, November 7, 2016

The "television war"

Read. What was different about covering Vietnam from WWII journalistically? One paragraph due Thursday.


 Civil Rights Movement 


Do you see any difference in the coverage of the Civil Rights movement and journalism today? One paragraph, due Thurdays.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

History of TV

Watch these links.
For Tuesday--quiz?
What two questions do you expect--handed in?